Category Archives: Church

5 for Leadership

Here is a fresh 5 for this next to last week in May.  Have a great Memorial Day weekend!

The Futurity of Present Events-What’s Next for American Churches?  This comes from Leadership Network, an organization I highly respect.  This post includes a short video that updates the progress of LN over this past year.  It also includes three prominent trends that Dave Travis sees for the future of American churches.

3 Suggestions For Leadership Transition  This is another gem from Ron Edmondson.  Ron is in the midst of a leadership transition as he has taken a new church in Kentucky.  Ron’s principles can be applied anywhere leadership transition is taking place.  Leadership transitions are always a fragile time in the life of an organization.  These principles are foundational to getting you through it.

Talent Management Infographic  This comes from Talent Technoligies and is a diagram that illustrates how organizations do at hiring and keeping good talent.  What stood out to me was the need for getting the right people, developing the right people and engaging those people in core activities within the organization.  Take a look.

The 4 Disciplines of Execution: A Book Review  This a good book review by Bob Morris on the latest from the Franklin Covey Group.  I am just now being exposed to this book within my national team arena.   Execution has been highlighted as THE critical component that often goes missing in practical leadership.  This review will give you a good overview of the book-I also suggest you buy it for yourself and your team.

10 Things Brits Do That Drive Americans Nuts  I received a link from a British friend of mine today that I had to pass along to you.  In light of the upcoming holiday weekend, you need a break from leading-read this and enjoy-especially if you have ever been to the UK or have some UK friends.

There you have it-5 posts that I hope will encourage and stimulate your leadership!

5 for Leadership

Here is a fresh 5 for Leadership. I hope you will be informed, inspired, encouraged and refreshed.

The One Leadership Secret That Will Never Involve A Mobile Device (or Any Computer)  This post comes from Terry Starbucker.  Terry highlights the power of personal conversation in the midst of a very virtual world.  Terry always shares very practical advice from his own leadership experience.

Why Leaders Should Celebrate Mothers Day  Here is another post from Kevin Eikenberry.  I highlighted Kevin last week-and this one is worthy too.  As we look back at Mothers Day, Kevin lists some leadership principles he has learned from both his mother and his wife.  Take a look.

How To Overcome One of The Biggest Frustrations In Leadership  I found this post on by Shane Duffey.  This is a timely article on leading up.  Shane talks about the culture of Newspring Church and what a healthy environment looks like for leaders to develop and have a voice.

African Christianity: A Gift for the Western Church  This is a very interesting article conducted in an interview format with Mark Gornick.  Mark spent 10 years in New York City studying African congregations and has landed on some important lessons for the church.  This gives some insight into an aspect of Christianity we often overlook.

Your Ministry Is Not Your Identity  This final post is by Paul Tripp on the Gospel Coalition web site.  Paul powerfully highlights how easy it is to make ministry our identity and what we must do about it.  This is a necessary read for anyone in ministry.

There are the 5 for this week.  Lead well!

5 for Leadership

Here is “5 for Leadership” for the 3rd week in March. I hope you will be informed and encouraged.

One Thing Every Young Leader Needs To Hear This is a post from Ben Reed and was found on This is a web site aimed directly at the Millennial generation of leaders and quite insightful. Ben is a pastor in Tennessee and offers some good thoughts for young leaders-and one phrase of encouragement they must hear. By the way, Ben’s web site is worth a look too and the link is at the bottom of the post.

Why I am Leaving Goldman Sachs This is an oped piece from the NY Times. The author is Greg Smith who has been an Executive Director with Goldman-until today. This is worth the read and has been trending on Facebook and Twitter. I love how it speaks to leadership culture and integrity.

6 Characteristics of Spiritual Leaders I often highlight what Michael Hyatt writes. If you missed this post this week-here’s a second chance. Hyatt distinguishes between spiritual leadership and other forms of organizational leadership and then offers six functions or traits of a true spiritual leader.

Good Churchmanship This comes from Tim Challies, who is well known in reformed circles. I really enjoy his blog and is one of the few to which I subscribe. Tim is a thoughtful writer and I really like this post that compares sportsmanship with churchmanship-and what has been lost with both concepts. This is a good read for the leader and follower.

The Empire of Entitlement This final post is from Pete Wilson who is the pastor at Cross Point Church in Nashville. Pete writes a great exhortation about the dangers of our culture of entitlement-and how it can really threaten our leadership. He highlights Deuteronomy 8 and reminds us well that there is one God-and it is not us.

There are 5 for this week-lead well!

5 for Leadership

Here are a fresh five for the first week in March.

Patrick Henry on Servant Leadership  I found this post through a Linkedin group on leadership.  It comes from a man named Monty Rainey.  I like Monty’s emphasis on a virtuous life as a foundation for servant leadership.  Take a look and see what you think.

note to self via the Puritans  This is for your soul.  Sometimes as leaders we do not stop long enough to reflect and think more deeply about what well we are leading from.  This short post is from my friend Andrea Buczynski who also serves with Cru.  Andrea references one of my favorite books in this post, The Valley of Vision.  She also includes a video to a worship song from her church in Orlando.  Slow down and take some time to read this post and listen to the song-and reflect on the words.

What If A Leader Refuses To Be Held Accountable?  I had the privilege of spending some time at the Verge 12 Conference this week in Austin.  We heard from some incredible people who are on the cutting edge of church leadership.  Two of them were Mike Breen and Jo Saxton.  This post is from Mike’s blog-but is actually a short video of Jo sharing some insight on the answer to this very important question. Enjoy her British accent!

What Is Church?  I will throw another one at you from a speaker at Verge 12.  This comes from Neil Cole’s blog called Cole-Slaw.  I actually think this is the question of our day. I can’t remember a time when the concept of “church” has been more open for debate.  Neil will stir you up-and I think that is good.  Beliefs need to be challenged and reassessed from time to time.

12 Great Leadership Questions  The final one is from Ron Edmondson, whom I have highlighted before.  This is a quick, but really practical read.  Ron offers up 12 questions that are great for any team leader at any level.

There are the five for this week.  Thanks for taking a look and add your comments.

5 for Leadership

Here is a fresh five-I hope they prove effective in helping you lead to the best of your ability.

What I Learned From Steve Jobs-Since Apple is still merrily humming along after the death of it’s founder, I thought it was time to point you to this post from Guy Kawasaki that he wrote back in October.  Guy offers 12 insights from being in the room with Mr. Jobs.  Here is a little teaser towards the end of the post, ” . . . the starting point of changing the world is changing a few minds. This is the greatest lesson of all that I learned from Steve.”

2012’s Top Churches To Watch In America-This comes from the blog Church Relevance.  It is a fascinating look at some of the top churches in the U.S. ranked according to varying categories-such as: church growth, church innovation, church planting, church size, influencing other churches, and an all areas category.

On Leadership And Your Credibility Assets-I found this post in Linked 2 Leadership and was intrigued by the straight forward principles that Lori Gilmore shares concerning credibility.  It all gets back to integrity.

Book Review: Leadership is Dead-I thought it would be a good change of pace to offer a book review this time.  This was found on the Practice of Leadership blog and gives a good glimpse at this new book by Jeremie Kubicek.  The post claims that this book speaks to the heart of leadership and not just the head.  The reviewer also suggests that this is a very timely book-in light of all of the failed leadership we have seen in various parts of our culture in the last few years.  This is a helpful review and highlights some key principles.

Top 10 Servant Leadership Tweeters in 2011-If you are into Twitter-then this may be a good resource for you.  This brief post comes from Ben, the founder of the blog Modern Servant Leader.  This is a good blog and this post will give you some new leaders to follow on Twitter.

There are the five for this week-enjoy!